MembersFirst 55+ Certificate & 55+ IRA Certificate Rates
MembersFirst 55+ CD |
Rates |
APY* |
90 Days CD |
3.68% |
3.75% |
6 Months CD |
4.16% |
4.25% |
12 Months CD |
4.88% |
5.00% |
18 Months CD |
4.65% |
4.75% |
24 Months CD |
4.41% |
4.50% |
36 Months CD |
4.02% |
4.10% |
48 Months CD |
3.68% |
3.75% |
60 Months CD |
3.92% |
4.00% |
Rates are current as of 08/29/2024.
Certificate Rates are reviewed periodically. Members with a 55+ account earn a premium rate above regular certificate rates. Members must be eligible for and enrolled in the 55+ Program to qualify for the rates below. A minimum deposit of $1,000 is required for Certificates of Deposit.
Penalties for early withdrawal may apply.
A withdrawal of any amount from a certificate account prior to the maturity date will incur a penalty. For terms of 90 days up to one year, the penalty will be 90 days interest. For terms of over one year, the penalty will be 180 days interest. The interest penalty will not be taken from the principal of the CD unless the interest available in the CD is insufficient to debit. If a CD is withdrawn prior to the first interest payment, the penalty will only apply to the amount that would have been due.
A minimum opening balance of $1,000 is required to earn dividends on all Certificates of Deposit*