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Beware of Tech Support Scams

Beware of Tech Support Scams

Tech support scams are growing at a rapid pace.  It seems you’re always putting yourself out on a limb when you call tech support. You dial the number the company gives you, and perhaps after a while of waiting, you’re connected to someone who may be working on the...

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Spring has been around a while and you still need two things:  cash and a clean house.  When that first delightful spring breeze started blowing, you knew it was time to get your house in shape.  And now, with summer just around the corner, you know it's time to get...

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5 Cringe-Worthy Credit Mistakes

5 Cringe-Worthy Credit Mistakes

You don’t need a special news alert to know... …we’re all human and we're gonna make mistakes. Being human means we’re all bound to make a mistake or two when it comes to making credit decisions. Here are 5 of the most common credit card mistakes. See how many you've...

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We are Relocating Our Decatur Office

If you live in the city of Decatur or in DeKalb County, you may have heard the news that North DeKalb Mall will be redeveloped sometime in the near future. We are using this opportunity to relocate our main office to a larger, more convenient, free standing location...

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Clean Up Your Finances for the New Year

Clean Up Your Finances for the New Year

After a year of spending, saving, paying off bills and racking up rewards points, your financial life can get a little messy. And now that the holiday season is over, it is a great time to regain control of your finances. When you de-clutter your accounts, paperwork...

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Stretching Your Money Further

Stretching Your Money Further

Tip: Never go to the grocery store hungry. It’s a simple rule to keep from over-buying and one sure to keep you from blowing the week’s budget on cravings at your local grocer.  But, aside from controlling your appetite as you peruse the baked goods aisle,...

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Budgeting Basics: Not just for beginners anymore.

We talk a lot about credit and great ways to access and spend your funds, but there's one very important step we should take when it comes to our money... ...budgeting. Does that word sounds scary or boring?  It must as budgeting seems to have such a negative...

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Brainy Browsing and Purchasing Tactics

Brainy Browsing and Purchasing Tactics

It seems every time you turn around there's another item you need—and you needed it, like, yesterday.  A replacement water filter for the fridge, new carpet, an extra garage door opener… So, what do you do?  If you can't visit your favorite retail shop, you'll...

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No App for Smart Mobile Use

A recent report states close to 75% of the world’s population owns or has access to a smart device. That’s 5.3 billion people who are potential targets of mobile fraud.  That’s a lot of private information to keep safe. With a new way for fraudsters to scam you out of...

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