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Financial Preparation For The New Year

example, this can be a new budget item. While planning for the coming year, make sure to include a method for tracking your spending. You can do this on a spreadsheet or you can simply tag items in your financial account. Even with a solid strategy in place, there will always be surprises along the way. Losing a job, a leaking roof or an illness can throw off your entire plan. Be sure to build an emergency fund into your…

Mutilated Money: Is the end really the end?

Mutilated Money: Is the end really the end?

…of Engraving and Printing offers this as a FREE service and has returned more than $30M to more than 30,000 claimants a year! So, round up the pieces of the twenties your toddler turned into confetti and follow these submission instructions to see if you can get your bills back! Check out this video for an interesting story on how one man used this service to retrieve his rent money…even though his dog had different plans for it!…

Step 1 of 12 Toward A Debt-Free Life:  Take Stock of Your Debt

Step 1 of 12 Toward A Debt-Free Life: Take Stock of Your Debt

You’re determined that this will be the year you finally pay down (or pay off) that debt. Get ready, because every month, our Do It Today plan will have you taking another step on your journey toward living a debt-free life. And the best part? It’s attainable and it’s simple. When broken down into steps with plenty of time between each step, not only will you have the know-how, but you won’t feel rushed into making drastic, hasty decisions which…

No App for Smart Mobile Use

…site address begins with “https://” or, – You see a closed padlock somewhere on the web browser page (usually in the address bar or at the bottom in the status bar. When clicking the padlock, you should see the name of the company and a message that reads “The connection to the server is encrypted.” Never leave your computer, mobile phone or smart device unattended in a public place, especially while unlocked. The number one most common…

Youth Account

…You Need to Join the Savasaurus Club? A copy of your Social Security Card A Savasaurus Club savings account with an opening deposit of only $5.00* There is no membership fee. Club members are allowed one withdrawal per month. (A fee of $10 is charged for every other debit transaction within the month.) CU Succeed (For Teens and Young Adults) MembersFirst Credit Union wants to CU Succeed™. We’ll help you when you’re ready to: Establish a secure financial relationship with…