Facing A Financial Emergency: Preparation Over Panic
With all the change happening in the world right now, it’s easy to fall into a panic and wonder if there are some concrete steps you should be taking to maintain your personal finances. It’s natural to become concerned about meeting financial obligations, especially if you fear your income may be reduced as it has for many Americans. Click the image above to learn how to prepare for a financial emergency.
Fun Activities to do with Your Kids at Home
It isn’t easy to be holed up at home–no matter who your company is. After two days, you may be thinking there isn’t enough coffee or Netflix® in this world to keep from going stir crazy. If you are a parent (and even if you aren’t), you have the unique...Step 2 of 12 Toward A Debt-Free Life: Don’t Dig Yourself Deeper
When you feel you may have dug yourself deep into a pit, the only way to get out is to stop digging. The same rules apply to avoid financial pitfalls. This month, make your focus to stop racking up more debt. Read on for Step 2 in our 12-Step Get Out of Debt plan.
7 Ways to Save on Valentine’s Day
Having the perfect night out doesn’t mean you need to break the budget. Visit our blog for seven ideas for thrifty Valentine’s Day plans.